  • 期刊

詩人眼中的“基督教社會理念”-T. S.艾略特的社會批評探討

The Idea of a Christian Society in a Poet's Eyes: A Study of T. S. Eliot's Social Criticism


In T. S. Eliot's idea of Christian society, the society is made up of communities, among which "the Christian community ranks highest by social and intellectual standards". Christian principles can unify all communities and bring about consensus. Christian organizations, the Christian community as a whole, and finally the Christian state are the concentric components which give order to Christian society, influencing modem society with their principles, values, regulations, and demand for equality, which will bring about the conformity of thought and behaviour, and forge a natural unity and harmony between religion and society in the Universal Church. Eliot's first social ideal of "re-establishing the Roman Empire modeled by Dante" was destroyed by World War I, as reflected and redeemed in The Waste Land. Then for a second time, when his ideal of the Christian society was shattered by World War II, Eliot presented in The Four Quartets the image of "the Garden of Eden" to express his faith that as long as the idea lives on, there will always be hope for salvation.
