  • 期刊

E. J.普拉特抒情诗的宗教文化解析

Religious Culture in Lyric Poetry of E. J. Pratt


E. J.普拉特的抒情诗被誉为加拿大现代主义诗歌的开端,深受圣经一基督教思想文化观念的影响。本文首先梳理普拉特早年生活与基督教的关系,廓清其抒情诗文本与圣经互文的具体语境,分析其中所融入的死亡“与永生”、罪恶“与救赎”等圣经观念;进而论述其抒情诗所呈现的基督教宇宙图景,阐明它们对处于存在困境中的现代人的启示。


E. J. Pratt's lyric poetry was regarded as the beginning of Canadian modernist poetry, and was affected by the spirits and culture of the Bible-Christianity. This paper first studies the relation between Christian Methodist and E. J. Pratt' s early life, and then analyzes the concepts of the Bible in his , lyric poetry, such as "death" and "eternal life" ,as well as "sin" and "salvation". After that, the paper discusses the cosmic picture of Christianity in Pratt's lyric poetry and clarifies the revelation of the poetry for modern man in existential predicament.
