  • 期刊


The Biblical Description of the Temptation and the Human Comprehension of Being-in-the-World


The temptation is not a kind of conscience which comes from "Ego", but is the genetic sources of "Ego of the conscience". It deals with the primary constitution of the value in the conscience. So that the hermeneutics about the temptation will open a circumstance of the possibility to understand its value. If we explore the meaningfulness of the temptation in the revelation of the Scripture, we will find that it is impossible to have a true explanation in the world with corruption. The biblical description on the temptation have told us that there is a contradiction between the orientation of the value and the "nature comprehension" of the human being. "The temptation of the Eden" was related to the appearance of the conscience- in-world of the human being; "the temptation on Job" revealed "the base of the most instable" value: "the temptation on Jesus" uncovered the dimension of "the over-nature of the value". Finally, St. Paul interpreted clearly a kind of new relationship between the spirit and fresh.


