  • 期刊


Wang Tao, Chinese Bible Translation and His Hermeneutical Strategy


中文圣经翻译是近代中西文化交流史的重要组成部分。人们常以西人传教士作为中文圣经不同版本的译者,但每一个译本的后面都有中国士人的参与,甚至是实际的主要译者。近代史上著名的改革家、思想家王韬就是这样一个“被遗忘的圣经译者”。本文依据第一手史料,求证王韬作为圣经主要译者之一的身份。在与麦都思一起翻译“圣经委办译本”(Delegates' Version)时,王韬的目标是将圣经翻译成一部“杰出的中国文学作品”。以达、雅作为翻译的基本原则,以中国士人作为读者对象,委办译本在流畅、优美、可读性方面都十分突出。本文还特别将委办译文与圣经原文进行比较,进而分析体现在委办本圣经翻译后面的解释学原则。王韬及委办译本的译文风格,取决于他们将基督教处境化、从文化层面理解福音的解释学策略。


圣经翻译 王韬 麦都思 委办译本 解释学


The history of Chinese Bible translation is an Important Part of Sino-foreign cultural communication of Modern China. The versions of the different Chinese Bible were usually named after the western missionaries in China, and the Chinese native literati assistants who played very important roles in the translation generally went into oblivion. This article is to analyze the famous reformer, journalist, and writer, Wang Tao, who contributed greatly to the success of Delegates' Version under his missionary instructor, W. Medhurst. Drawing from a number of first hand materials, the author believes Wang Tao was one of the de facto translators, though himself tried to conceal it because of the heavy social pressure in the late Qing dynasty. Under his assistance, the Delegates' version could be regarded as "a Chinese literature", being welcomed by the contemporary Chinese literati. Some translation passages are analyzed, with comparison to the original Biblical text and other Chinese translations. Furthermore, its translation was a deep hermeneutics which aimed to contextualize Christianity into Chinese culture.
