  • 期刊

Measurement Equivalence between Respondent Groups: A Non-Parametric Differential Item Functioning Analysis of Polytomous Personality Measures



The question of whether applicants respond to self-report personality measures differently when responding for selection purposes has been a crucial concern for decades. However, little research has focused on item-level measurement properties to identify the effect of testing situations on polytomous personality items. This study conducted a non-parametric poly-SIBTEST procedure to investigate both item-level and scale-level measurement equivalence on polytomous Likert-type personality scales between applicants and incumbents. The results indicated that several items exhibited differential item functioning (DIF); however, because DIF items did not systematically function with bias toward a particular group, substantial test functioning variations were not observed for all five scales. The items seemed to measure the same underlying constructs between applicants and incumbents.




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