  • 期刊


Exploring the Effects of Trust Relationships and Knowledge Sharing in Community of Practice


本研究主要對於實務社群之信任關係,探討組織內部網絡的知識分享,運用網絡分析探討實務社群內的信任關係,使得節點相似,產生結構等價以及實務社群內的子社群間的分享知識。研究樣本以長榮大學經管所經管組研究生為主要研究對象,進行面談的方式。並進一步利用統計軟體UCINET 6進行統計分析步驟,對網絡內各個節點進行相似度分析、結構等價以及實務社群裡的子社群分享知識,並依照研究目的所需,進而選擇合適的分析。本研究在關係實證後,了解樣本所形成的實務社群內,節點彼此相似程度越高,有結構等價的情況,表示彼此知識分享意願高與信任程度良好。並且,由於相似度而使得節點會聚在一起,產生實務社群內的子社群,再者,子社群會因為彼此子社群間的信任關係,而影響的知識分享。


The aims of this study are to explore networked knowledge sharing in organizations related to trust relationship in Community Of Practices (COPs, Wenger, 1998). This study intends to investigate trust relationship in the COPs by using network analysis. Moreover, nodes with similar relationships produce structural equivalence and knowledge sharing among sub-groups in the COPs. This study uses a group of postgraduate students as research objects. The data were collected through face-to-face interview. A software (UCINET 6) is applied as main tools to analyze nodes' similarities、structural equivalence and knowledge sharing in the COPs. Following the research objects, the study chooses the suitable results. Examining the empirical results, this study shows that the higher the similarity score, the more nodes will share their knowledge with others. That means, as nodes with more structural equivalence, they intend to share knowledge with other. In addition, nodes with similar relationship structure, they tend to construct various sub-communities; and trust relationship among sub-communities will affect the willing of knowledge sharing among nodes.
