  • 期刊


Comparative Study of Consumer Shopping District Importance and Satisfaction- A Case Study of Kaohsiung New Jyuejiang Shopping Area


現今消費意識抬頭,商圈就是滿足消費者之需求所設立,以追求最大的經營效益所聚集的消費場域,專門提供消費者所需的商品或服務,商圈亦兼具休閒與娛樂的功能,本研究旨在探討消費者至高雄市新崛江商圈消費前的重視度感受與消費後的滿意度感受,以自編調查問卷讓參與消費者填寫,並進行描述統計、因素分析、t-test及多元迴歸分析,以瞭解感受程度間之差異。本研究共獲得有效問卷600份,獲得信度Cronbach's α係數高達0.954,效度分析解釋變異量超過63.0%,也由分析結果得知消費者對於高雄市新崛江商圈內心的知覺感受重視度高於滿意度。並特別重視「交通便捷性」與「商街提供服務品質」,最不重視「麥克風廣播音量」與「遊樂設施的價格」。且對「商品品質」及「交通便捷性」感到最滿意,對「停車方便性」和「洗手間的提供」感到最不滿意。再由因素分析得知重視度與滿意度構面有「飲食多樣」、「遊樂設施」2個因素相同,並由差異分析顯示得知,不同居住地的差異,不會造成消費者在重視度之影響。以及不同婚姻的差異,不會造成消費者在滿意度之影響。且「商品便宜(滿意度)對於消費者評價行為最具有影響力。


The rising awareness of today's consumer, business district is established to meet the needs of consumers, in order to maximize the operational effectiveness of the aggregated consumption field, specializing in the provision of goods or services consumers want, leisure and entertainment district are both functional this study aims to explore the consumer to feel the importance of the feelings of satisfaction and consumer spending before the New Jyuejiang Shopping Area after Kaohsiung to participate in self let consumers fill out a questionnaire, and descriptive statistics, factor analysis, t -test and multiple regression analysis to understand the extent of the difference between the feelings. In this study, a total of 600 valid questionnaires. Good reliability Cronbach's α coefficient as high as 0.954, validity analysis of more than 63.0% explained variance, but also by the results that consumers feel the degree of importance than satisfaction inner perception. With particular emphasis on the "transportation convenient" and "commercial street to provide quality of service", the least attention to "microphone broadcast volume" and "amusement facilities". And am most satisfied the "merchandise quality" and "transportation convenient" and "the provision of toilets" are the most dissatisfied with. The analysis of the importance and satisfaction dimensions by a factor "varied diet", "recreation facilities" two factors are the same, and variance analysis shows informed that the differences of the different residence, will not cause consumers in the degree of emphasis the effect. As well as differences between the marriage will not cause consumer satisfaction. And "goods cheaper(satisfaction)" for the consumer evaluation of behavior most influential.
