  • 期刊


A study of Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Evaluation on Service Quality of Online Retailers


網際科技的進步,為社會帶來了許多變革;而企業經營的型態也在改變,資訊取得的來源在改變,交易的行為在改變;更隨著硬體設備與網路科技的成熟,有愈來愈多人在網路上還購所所需之物品,網路書店的成立便是其中之一。不過,消費者對於網路書店的服務品質之要求已日益提高,如何提供一個令消費者滿意之服務品質水準,對網路書店的經營業者,是一門重要的課題。由於服務本身存在若不易衡量的無形性特質,故消費者在評估服務品質時,其主觀認知判斷上多具有模糊性。故此,本研究通過模糊多準則決策方(Fuzzy MCDM)中的層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)建立最佳化的網路書店服務品質評估模式。並以5項評估構面、22項評估準則進行探討,綜合各項評估構面與準則,並計算出國內五大網路書店之優劣勢,其中以博客來網路書店的服務品質績效值為最佳。以期能提供網路書店業者日後在評估反改善服務品質之參考依據。


Due to Serve have invisible characteristic that it not getting. So consumer evaluated service quality that subjective cognition is with fuzzily. Therefore, the research using analytic hierarchy process of fuzzy multiple criteria decision method, build up an optional model for evaluating service quality of online retailers. And it had five dimensions and twenty-two criterions to discuss which integrate each dimension and criterion. It calculate strength and weaknesses which internal five online retailers, which it is the best with service quality performance values of books online retailer. With this result, it can help online retailers to make their evaluating and improving service quality more efficiently.
