  • 期刊


The Retrospect and Vision of the PCT Oversea Mission based on the Case of the Taiwanese Presbyterian Church in Bangkok


The principle of the PCT oversea mission is missio dei (the mission of God). That means the PCT mission will not be a church or Christian colonialism on other countries. Since many Taiwanese families emigrate and create business in Thailand, their request for the PCT sending missionary there to take care of them becomes mandated. In 1997, the PCT began to discuss on the possibility to found a Taiwanese church in Bangkok (TCB) with the Christian Church in Thailand (CCT). This is kindly accepted by the CCT. In 2012, after longtime renting a house for gathering, the TCB finally owned a church building for housing all the church activities. The vision for the TCB will be to make more contribution to the communities around the church and to promote cooperation between the PCT and the CCT.


