  • 期刊


Make Them Prosperous, Then Teach Them, and the Greatness of Antiquity Will Return: An Outline of Wang Tong's Thinking about Education




王通 《中說》 儒家 教化


This present paper makes a case study of Wang Tong's philosophy of education, as is deliberated in his annalects Zhongshuo (Teachings about the Middle), Book IX, Chapter 14. There, Wang Tong, as one of the greatest Confucians of his time, trying to revive traditional Confucian political philosophy, contends that education (which is moral by nature) comes only after social affluence is achieved, and then education will necessarily lead to the perfection of human nature and "the best government," which reputedly appeared in the remote past. Wang Tong picks up this idea, which however has long been neglected since Buddhism began to prevail in the life of the Chinese people, and takes a prima facie unorthodox approach to justify his sterling Confucianism via Daoist teachings. In fact, he is trying to absorb the yi duan or non-Confucian thoughts, and in so doing, tacitly justifies the superiority of Confucianism to Daoism in their understanding of human nature and, based on this understanding, their expectation of human civilization. Wang Tong's method reminds us of what the New Confucians successfully practiced three centuries later. In hindsight, we may well say Wang Tong was not only the last of the ancient Confucians, but also the pioneer of the New Confucianism.


Wang Tong Zhongshuo Confucianism education
