  • 期刊


From Zi-chan's (子產) No Scraping of My Native Schools to Re-Discovering Confucius and Yan-yuan's (顏淵) Heart of Happiness - Also on Confucian Follower's Dialogic Spirit and the Inspiration it Could Brin


古人重視學校之論議精神可由《左傳.襄公31年》中「子產不毀鄉校」的記載得知。子產身為執政挺身而出、維護鄉校,因而獲得時人及孔子的肯定。但當時士大夫漸因不好學而導致官學不脩,竹帛下庶人,卻正好提供孔子私人講學的契機,而儒家人文關懷所注重的個人、社會、自然、天道皆有賴於此充滿對話意義的私人講學傳統,孔子有教無類與因材施教,亦當由此來把握。進而閱讀《論語》這一交談性經典時,也應體會孔子從革命的儒者轉而以從事教育來改革、並由師生的互動中獲得樂道知時之樂的關鍵和意義。 其後宋儒自周敦頤至朱熹等,即將「尋孔顏樂處」落實在書院講學中,並且發展出講會制度與注重啟發學子思維的問難論辯式教法,通過主體性的對話,激活了道德規範,也使得書院愈發受到肯定。 這以學生為主體的傳統實具有時代意義:今日在教改和社改的雙重要求下,有識之士希能發展民脈,培養出具有思考能力肯為社會發聲的公民,因而促成了社區大學的興起,也有扎根於社區中心的構想,而這公民社會的願景應可由古老鄉校的論議、孔子的講學和宋儒書院的對話精神中得到啟發。


We can detect ancient people's controversy on schools from “Zi-chan’s No Scraping of My Native Schools” in Zhuo Zhuan Xinag Gong Year 31 (《左傳襄公31年》). But during this time the government bureaucrats have gradually lost their interest in the academia. The government's withdrawal from education rendered knowledge acquirable by the commoners, making it possible for the private sectors such as Confucius's school to develop. Confucianism's humanistic concern emphasizing the individual, the society, nature, and the way of the divine depended on the dialogic spirit of such a private teaching tradition. The concept of teaching without discrimination and by student’s capacity can also be understood through this tradition. When we read the classic dialogic experiences recorded in the Analects, we begin to comprehend how Confucius, as a radical scholar turned educational revolutionary, obtained pleasure in the Way and learned the significance of the time from teacher-student interactions. Confucius's followers such as Zhou Dun-yi (周敦頤) and Zhu Xi (朱熹), etc., implemented “rediscovering Confucius and Yan Yuan’s (顏淵) heart of happiness” on their private school teaching. They alxo held periodical conferences and inspired students to think by asking controversial questions. With such intersubjective dialogues, they rekindled ethics and made private schooling widely approved. This kind of student-centered tradition of teaching provides inspiration for present purpose in education: With the call for an educational and social upgrade, all intellectuals today wish to develop the mind so as to cultivate citizens who could think and voice people's need. As a result colleges have been established everywhere in our community centers, and roots seem to be planted deep. It seems that the vision of civil society could draw their inspiration on ancient school's dialogic spirit, Confucian teaching method, and the case of successful private schooling in the Song Dynasty.
