  • 期刊


From Fiction to History: The Anti-Reform Writing in Kang Liang yanyi and the Cultural Landscape of the Late Qing




Kang Liang yanyi is a popular novel that narrates the historical events of the Reform Movement of 1898 from the conservative vantage point. With at least six titles and thirteen editions in its genesis and circulation, the novel was among the best-selling books during the final years of the Qing dynasty and the early Republican era. As a novel on contemporary issues, the majority of its characters played an important role in the political arena, and many of its scenes had a certain factual basis. The novel's narrative and storyline take place in a large variety of realms: fairyland and the human world, the Middle Kingdom and exotic places, etc. Through a fictional form of "contemporary history," the novel constructs a fictional world between the imaginary and the real. With its conservative stance and old-school writing style, this novel employs political farce for propagandistic purposes. This did not prove to be successful from an artistic point of view. However, the complex mentality of old-fashioned scholars in an age of transition was revealed in the permeation of and conflicts between Chinese and Western knowledge and concepts. Behind the laughter, irony, and an absurd narrative, the achievements of the Reform Movement were shown. The present article offers a detailed examination of the versions of the novel, the sources used in the plot, as well as the narrative framework and ideological context. Through this multi-dimensional literary interpretation of history, I discuss the diverse political, social, and cultural aspects of that era.


王德威著,宋偉傑譯:《被壓抑的現代性 —晚清小說新論》(北京:北京大學出版社,2005年),頁2。
陳寅恪:〈讀吳其昌撰梁啟超傳書後〉,夏曉虹編:《追憶梁啟超》(增訂本)(北京:生活 ·讀書 · 新知三聯書店,2009年增訂本),頁151。
