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A New Model to Implement Health Prison Programs - Health-promoting Prison


1986年渥太華健康促進憲章頒布之際,世界衛生組織即積極協助各國在學校、社區、醫院與監獄等場域推動各項健康促進計畫,「健康促進監獄」(Health-Promoting Prison)的概念於焉產生和發展。健康促進是目前公共衛生所要追求的一個理想,也是一種新的策略、新的工作方法。監獄受刑人與一般人享有同等健康照護權,包括接受人道治療與適當醫療,健康促進監獄計畫應包含三個層面:1.健康促進政策;2.支持性健康環境;3.預防與衛生教育計劃。透過這三大層面行動的推展,使得監獄不僅是一矯正機關,亦是受刑人能獲得健康的場所。健康促進監獄是推動監獄衛生工作的新模式,也是當前世界衛生組織在各會員國積極推動的重要政策,期盼我國監獄衛生工作亦能順應世界潮流,迎合新世紀之需求。


The World Health Organisation's (WHO) Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion in 1986, the World Health Organization (WHO)hasencouraged themember states to implement a variety of health promotion programs in different settings, including schools, communities, hospitals and even prisons. Provided the catalyst fromwhich the Health Promoting Prison (HPP) movement emerged. Prison inmates and generally enjoy the same right to health care, including the acceptance of humane treatment and proper medical care. There are three domains in a health-promoting prison program, including health promotion policies, health prevention and education programs and the supportive environment. By implementing the HPP programs, a prison will become a place where not only for correctional institution, but also for improving health of inmates. Health-promoting prison is a new model utilized to implement health programs. Currently, it is also one of the WHO's important policies for the member states.In order to promote theinmates and personnel's health and to keep pace with the trend of prison health in the world, it is necessary for us to apply the new model to implement health prison programs in Taiwan.
