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Comuna 13:the Reinvention of Colombia's Most Infamous Community


位處中南美洲的哥倫比亞國內長期衝突不斷,其中安蒂奧基亞省(Antioquia)的首府麥德林(Medellin),1970年代毒品交易氾濫,逐漸成為犯罪的溫床,謀殺率及犯罪率居高不下,也是中南美洲有名的大毒梟-Pablo Escobar的根據地,使其被評為世界上最危險的城市之一。麥德林城的第13社區(Comuna 13)更是充斥暴力、犯罪及毒品,黑幫及準軍事組織的長年把持,以及各項資源的匱乏,導致貧民區中的居民暴露於高被害的風險之下,或是進一步成為加害者。近年來,哥倫比亞政府除了大力打擊犯罪之外,亦逐步建設大眾運輸以及圖書館等設施,並設法將資源引進貧民區,使得麥德林的貧民區逐漸擺脫昔日惡名。此次實際走訪第13社區後,筆者認為臺灣的治安狀況整體較哥倫比亞安全,然而亦能從麥德林的社區重建過程中,體認到社區居民向心力及初級預防與次級預防的重要性。




There has been a long-term armed conflict in Colombia for the past decades. Medellin, the second largest city in Colombia, was notorious for its high prevalence of crime and murder rate. Not surprisingly, the city was once known as the most dangerous city for tourists in the world. Comuna 13, one of the communities in Medellin, was full of violence and drugs since it was a stronghold for a Colombian drug overlord Pablo Escobar in the 1980s. On one hand, residents in Comuna 13 were at high risk and first to be victimised due to the lack of external resources in the community. On the other hand, people in this community might become perpetrators, drug dealers, drug traffickers or part of gangsters. However, things have changed. Numerous efforts have been put in this neighbourhood to get rid of its tumultuous past and transform the ghetto into a place with hope and brightness. Several public services, including a new cable car line, libraries, and escalators, have constructed in Comuna 13 to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants. Moreover, some institutions set up houses or centres to provide youths with a place where they can do some activities instead of hanging around on the streets. Under the transformation, the crime rate and the amount of criminal cases have decreased gradually. Such improvements would be a good example of the implement of primary prevention and secondary prevention in Comuna 13. From my perspective, Taiwan is at some extent safer than Colombia, but we can still learn Colombian strategies to prevent youths from crimes and reduce crime rate in neighbourhoods where are plagued with violence.


