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Group Treatment Model of Focusing-based Drug Addiction Relapse Prevention: 24 times Focusing Group Process at Taipei Prison


聯合國毒品和犯罪問題辦公室(UNODC)建議將毒癮者視為慢性病患來處遇,且應特別重視「復發預防階段」,預防戒毒者再次使用毒品、協助控制用藥渴求、重獲健康與社會功能。且復發預防應具有較多元的專業人員可供選擇,也應有多樣的治療策略以因應不同的毒癮問題。本文係分享2018年臺北監獄24次澄心團體歷程的處遇經驗,其設計理論基礎係根據Winhall(2014)所提出的「深感經驗」(felt sense)成癮處遇模式。她視成癮為一種依附關係的障礙,若案主在早年經驗中形成了不安全或迴避型的依附,他們會學到向外求的方法,例如透過成癮行為,來自我調節或安撫。若用依附創傷理論去看成癮者,他們也是在過低和過高喚起之間擺盪,並逐漸養成用物質去調節不舒服的喚起狀態,或從痛苦記憶的經驗中解離。此24次澄心團體,分暖身、練習、探討三階段,逐步建立起成員辨認及追蹤自我狀態的能力,並學習在身體中自我調適的方式,進一步發展擴充自我承受的感覺範圍,學習整合內在經驗的各種面向,則預防復發的療效也能隨之鞏固。


The United Nations UNODC recommends treating drug addicts as chronically ill, and should pay special attention to the "relapse prevention phase" to prevent drug users from using drugs again, helping to control drug cravings, and regaining health and social functions. And recurrence prevention should have more diverse professionals to choose from, and there should be a variety of treatment strategies to deal with different drug addiction problems. This article is to share the treatment experience of 24 times Focusing group at Taipei Prison in 2018. The design theory is based on Winhall, J. (2014) Treating Addiction with the Felt Sense Experience Model. She considers addiction as an obstacle to attachment. If the client forms an insecure or avoidant attachment in his early years, he will learn ways to seek out, such as through addictive behavior, self-regulation or appeasement. Using trauma theory to look at addicts, they also swing between too low and too high arousal, and gradually rely on substance use to adjust the uncomfortable arousal, or dissociate from the experiencing of painful memory. This 24 times Focusing group was divided into three stages of warm-up, practice and reflecting discussion. The group members gradually built up the ability to recognize, identify and track their own state, and learned self-regulation inside the body, further develop the range of feelings of self-sustaining so as to integrate the various aspects of inner experience for consolidating the therapeutic outcome of relapse prevention.
