  • 期刊


Introduction to Consolidated Cultural Archives Management System: A case study for the Ministry of Culture


文化部(以下簡稱本部)所屬典藏機關,館藏文物類項豐富多元,為展現我國文化內涵與民共享,本部於民國(以下同)101年建置「文物典藏管理共構系統」,採分年逐館導入策略,建置單一共構資料庫為基礎核心,達成整合、流通與共享目的;另整編共通性欄位,達成資料格式標準化,並關照多樣性與差異性,採客製化建置;於藏品管理面,採共構標準作業程序,以達維運嚴謹、品質精確。該系統已匯集近35萬筆藏品及數位內容資訊,於103年底,將達62餘萬筆,類項亦囊括藝術史類、自然史類、歷史文物類、工藝類、傳統藝術類、音樂、電影、文學、古蹟等。未來將發展擴增導入公部門博物館,有效整合典藏資源,以建立「臺灣數位博物館」為目標,並拓展整合推廣、研究、教育與加值應用等業務,藉此建構重要文物鏈結開放資料(Linked Open Pata,簡稱LOD)架構,與國際博物館界接軌。


The archival agencies under the Ministry of Culture have a rich and varied collection of cultural objects. To share this cultural heritage with the public, the Consolidated Cultural Archives System (CCAS) was created in 2012 with a policy of introducing the system year-by-year and institution-by-institution. The fundamental core of the system is the creation of a single, consolidated data bank that is an integrated, circulated and shared resource. In addition, it extracts common fields from various metadata for data format standardization by a customized approach. In terms of collection management, it adopts a consolidated SOP to achieve strict operation and accurate quality control. The system has collected approximately 350,000 objects with digitalized content information. By the end of 2014 this number will reach over 620,000. The categories of the collected objects cover art, natural history, history, handicrafts, traditional art, music, film, literature, and antiquities. In order to create a Taiwan Digital Museum, the future policy direction for this system is to augment collection effectively by introducing public-sector museums and integrating archival resources. Furthermore, it is also to expand the integration of promotional activities, research, education and value-added use by a linked open data (LOD) framework for important cultural objects among international museums.


linked open data cultural archives
