  • 期刊


Integrating SIPA method and Kano model for competitive analysis of hand-cranked beverage stores


近年來,台灣手搖飲料店的營業額有逐年增加的趨勢,走在路上人手一杯的手搖飲料已經是隨處可得的景象,在此競爭市場裡,本研究採用飲用率前三名的五十嵐、清心福全及CoCo都可,做為競爭分析的研究對象,並運用Kano模式以得知各服務品質要素之定位及運用同步重要度與表現度分析法(Simultaneous Importance-Performance Analysis, SIPA)以考量市場上各飲料店業者的服務品質表現。本研究以問卷調查方式,針對台灣北部手搖飲消費者進行調查,以探討出競爭情況及服務品質。透過本研究之進行,其研究結果將可提供管理者有效與準確的決策資訊,以提供手搖飲料店的服務策略。就此次研究結果,將手搖飲店的競爭情況簡略敘述如下:一、基本要素的優勢:共有兩項,包括:「9.手搖飲料店的員工是有禮貌的」與「12.手搖飲料店員工願意服務顧客」。此結果代表五十嵐的表現優於其他競爭者,其必須保持此優勢,因顧客將此要素視為理所當然。二、假優勢:共有六項,分別為「5.當您有任何請求,手搖飲料店會表現關心並提供協助」、「7.手搖飲料店能適時提供服務。如:季節性飲料」與「11.手搖飲料店的員工可提供立即服務」「15.手搖飲料店有留意您的個人需求」、「16.手搖飲料店針對不同的顧客提供個別化的服務」及「17.手搖飲料店的服務時間適當」。此結果代表五十嵐表現程度比其他競爭者佳,該品質要素對顧客影響不大,但能得到較好的表現度。三、基本要素的肉搏戰:共有兩項,分別為「3.手搖飲料店的員工穿著得宜、外表整潔」與「14.手搖飲料店提供您最想要的服務內容」。此結果代表五十嵐與其他競爭者表現皆佳,五十嵐應維持該屬性,不可有任何輕忽或閃失,否則可能降低顧客消費程度。四、 附加價值上的優勢:共有三項,此結果包括「4.手搖飲料店能及時完成顧客的訂單」、「6.手搖飲料店提供的服務是可信任的」與「8.手搖飲料店員工提供的服務,您感到放心」。此結果代表五十嵐表現好,但競爭者表現差,持續投資該屬性可進一步擴大競爭優勢。


In recent years, the turnover of Taiwan's hand-cranked beverage shops has been increasing year by year. Hand-cranked beverages with a cup of hand-cranked beverages on the road are already available everywhere. In this competitive market, this study adopts Igarashi, the top three drinking rate, Qingxin Fuquan and CoCo can be used as the research object of competition analysis, and use Kano model to know the positioning of each service quality element and use Simultaneous Importance-Performance Analysis (Simultaneous Importance-Performance Analysis, SIPA) to consider The service quality performance of various beverage store operators in the market. This research uses questionnaire surveys to survey consumers of hand-cranked drinks in northern Taiwan to explore competition and service quality. Through the conduct of this research, the research results will provide managers with effective and accurate decision-making information to provide service strategies for hand-cranked beverage shops. Based on the results of this research, the competition situation of hand-cranked drink shops is briefly described as follows: 1. The advantages of the basic elements: There are two in total, including: "9. The employees of the hand-cranked beverage store are good-looking" and "12. The employees of the hand-cranked beverage store are willing to serve customers." This result represents that Igarashi is outperforming other competitors and it must maintain this advantage because customers take this element for granted. 2. Fake advantage: There are six items, namely "5. When you have any request, the hand-cranked beverage store will show concern and provide assistance", "7. The hand-cranked beverage store can provide timely services. For example: seasonal beverages" It is the same as "11. The staff of hand-cranked beverage shops can provide 立as-a-service", "15. Hand-cranked beverage shops have your personal needs", "16. Hand-cranked beverage shops provide personalized services for the same customers" and "17. The service hours of hand-cranked beverage shops are appropriate." This result indicates that Igarashi's performance is better than other competitors. This quality factor has a greater impact on customers, but it can achieve better performance. 3. Hand-to-hand combat of basic elements: There are two items, namely "3. The staff of the hand-cranked beverage store is well-dressed and tidy in appearance" and "14. The hand-cranked beverage store provides the service content you most want". This result indicates that Igarashi and other competitors are performing well. Igarashi should maintain this attribute. There may be any negligence or mistake, otherwise it may reduce the level of customer consumption. 4. Advantages in added value: There are three items. The results include "4. Hand-cranked beverage shops can complete customer orders in time", "6. The services provided by hand-cranked beverage shops are trustworthy" and "8. Hand You can feel relieved with the service provided by the staff at the shake drink shop." This result represents that Igarashi performed well, but competitors performed poorly. Continued investment in this property can further expand its competitive advantage.


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