  • 期刊


Relationship between acceptance of various retention practices and the workplace spirituality of nurses




護理人員 留任 職場靈性


Background and Objective: In recent years, the normal operation of Taiwan's medical system has been affected by the high turnover rate of nursing staff. This study investigated the extent to which nursing staff accept the various retention practices that hospital can offer, and the effect of workplace spirituality on the acceptance of these incentices. Methods: A total of 430 valid questionnaires were completed by nurses of a hospital. The statistical methods used included frequency distribution, descriptive statistics (such as mean, standard deviation, and sorting), an independent-samples t-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and grouping methods (groups with high, median and low levels of workplace spirituality). Results: The respondents had low agreement on passion for work and the corresponding items. Monetary compensation component of the five retention practices with the highest level of acceptance. The higher the workplace spirituality of nurses was, the greater was their acceptance of retention practices. The regression analysis of the items and factors of retention practices indicated that working atmosphere and spiritual growth factors had significant effects on most of the items and factors of retention practices, whereas passion for work did not have a significant effect. Suggestions: We suggest that the case hospital improve both the working atmosphere and the spiritual growth of nurses because they can have affect retention. Monetary compensation should be considered to retain excellent nursing staff.


nurses retention workplace spirituality
