  • 期刊


The Effect of Ten-Week Weight Training on the Body Composition of College Students without Exercise Habits


十週重量訓練對於沒有運動習慣大專學生,是否能改善其身體組成之重要因素。本研究主要目的是在探討重量訓練對於沒有運動習慣的大專學生,其身體組成成效的影響,以70名沒有運動習慣大專學生為研究對象,在實驗開始前,受試者隨機分為35名實驗組與35名對照組。兩組受試者在於實驗前後均接受身體組成(InBody 230)檢測,實驗組須接受十週,每週三次,每次90分鐘重量訓練,而對照組,不參與除了體育課以外的身體活動。資料處理利用SPSS23.0進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析。本研究結果發現重量訓練的介入,對於沒有運動習慣的學生,體重、BMI、體脂肪重與體脂肪率皆有明顯下降,而骨骼肌與基礎代謝率方面有提升之趨勢,沒有運動習慣大學生前測身體組成,男生的體重、體脂肪率、骨骼肌、基礎代謝率皆顯著高於女生。建議重量訓練除了可以作為提升運動員學生,優化身體組成及增加運動表現外,亦可使沒有運動習慣大專學生改善其身體組成。


Ten-week weight training is an important factor in improving the physical composition of college students who do not have exercise habits. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of weight training on the physical composition of college students without exercise habits. The study was conducted with 70 students with no exercise habits. Before the experiment, the subjects were randomly divided into 35 experiments. Group with 35 control groups. Both groups received body composition (InBody 230) before and after the experiment. The experimental group was required to receive weight training for ten weeks, three times a week for 90 minutes, while the control group did not participate in physical activities other than physical education. Data processing using SPSS 23.0 for descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, single-factor variance analysis. The results of this study found that the intervention of weight training, for students without exercise habits, body weight, BMI, body fat weight and body fat rate have a significant decline, and skeletal muscle and basal metabolic rate has an upward trend. There are no exercise habits before college students to measure body composition, males' body weight, body fat percentage, skeletal muscle, basal metabolic rate is significantly higher than girls. It is recommended that in addition to interest training, physical education courses should enable students to establish exercise habits and make them understand that body composition can be improved through weight training. Weight training courses should be added to college physical education courses so that more students can benefit.
