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Overview of Soil Swellability in Major Geographical Areas of Shaanxi Province


There are various soil types in Shaanxi Province. The main soil types are chestnut soil, black soil, brown soil, cinnamon soil, yellow brown soil, yellow cinnamon soil, aeolian sandy soil, loess soil, lime calcium soil, paddy soil, fluvo‐aquic soil, new fill soil, swamp soil and saline soil, etc. The most typical aeolian soil is mainly distributed in the aeolian sand area north of the Great Wall on the northern Shaanxi Plateau. Loess soil is mainly distributed in the loess area of the northern Shaanxi Plateau. The soil is the main agricultural production soil in Guanzhong area. Yellow brown soil is the main agricultural production soil in southern Shaanxi. Due to the large number of soil types in Shaanxi, the longitude span is large, the climate difference between southern and northern Shaanxi is large, and the parent materials and processes of different types of soil are different, so the incentives for regional ecological and environmental problems are also different. Soil erosion resistance is the key point of ecological protection and prevention of soil erosion, and soil swelling characteristics are the key indicators affecting soil erosion resistance characteristics. There are significant differences in soil swelling characteristics in different regions, and the key factors affecting this difference are soil genesis and texture. Proving the swelling properties of soil types in different regions is conducive to reducing the occurrence of soil erosion and geological disasters in the region. If appropriate human intervention is carried out, the local soil environment can be effectively improved and the process of local ecological security can be promoted.


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