  • 期刊


2020 Guideline for Prehospital Stroke Management, Emergency Evaluation and Treatment of Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke. A Guideline for Healthcare Professionals from the Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine and Taiwan Stroke Society


為了要改善缺血性腦中風病人的臨床預後,社區民眾、院前緊急醫療系統與醫院應該互相合作,達成快速評估與處置,讓病人儘快接受有效的治療。本指引共識小組,是由台灣腦中風學會與台灣急診醫學會的專家共同組成。在進行最新文獻回顧與討論後,完成此本土指引。本次指引實證引用,根據美國心臟醫學會依建議強度分為Class I、IIa、IIb與III及依證據品質分為A、B-R、B-NR、C-LD與C-EO。本指引一共分為十二個章節,包括:民眾教育計畫與內容、緊急醫療系統的評估與處置、緊急醫療系統、外部團體獨立評鑑醫院腦中風照護能力、醫院腦中風團隊、遠距醫療、組織與多面向的整合、腦中風系統照護品質過程改善、到院後的初始臨床與影像評估、血栓溶解治療適應症的影像評估、動脈內血栓移除適應症的影像評估與其他診斷測試。


To improve the clinical outcomes of patients with acute ischemic stroke, the public, pre-hospital care system and hospitals should cooperate to achieve quick assessment and management for such patients and to start treatment as soon as possible. To reach the goal, the Consensus Group, including emergency physicians and neurologists in the Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine and Taiwan Stroke Society, performed an updated review and discussion for the local guidelines. The guidelines consist of twelve parts, including public education program, evaluation and management in emergency medical system, emergency medical system, assessment of stroke care capability of the hospital by independent parties, stroke team of the hospital, telemedicine, organization and multifaceted integration, improvement of quality of care process of stroke system, initial clinical and imaging evaluations after arriving at the hospital, imaging evaluation for indications of intravenous thrombolysis, imaging evaluation for indications of endovascular thrombectomy, and other diagnostics.


