  • 期刊

Application of Food Additives in Food Production in the Context of Food Safety Incidents


In recent years, my country's food safety emergencies have continued one after another. From melamine, clenbuterol, plasticizers to leather milk, food safety constantly touches people's sensitive and fragile nerves, which not only seriously endanger the health of consumers, but also It has caused huge economic losses to the society. One of the important reasons for the outbreak of these food safety incidents is the lack of preventive food safety risk management measures, among which food additives have become the most worrying food safety risk factor for consumers. Consumers' misunderstanding of food additives has affected economic development and social stability. Let the society and the public have a correct understanding of food additives and food safety issues, and supervise and manage the scientific and rational use of food additives by food production enterprises are all issues that need to be solved urgently.


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