

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have undergone great development in China. MOOC attracts many learners because of its unique advantages. This article provides an example of the MOOC production process within the New Progressive College English Integrated Course, showing the whole procedure including the selection of the teaching team to the final on-line running. The article examines our lesson sharing and experiences in order to boost the MOOC's construction as well as the application and population of the MOOC design.


MOOC production procedures


http:// mooc.cn
Hattie,J. Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement [DB/OL]. Routledge,2008.
Jiang Yan, Ma Wulin : On the Misconceptions about the Construction of College English MOOCs (Foreign Language and Literature, China 2018), p.155-160.(In Chinese)
