

Color, one of the factors to reveal life, is an important condition for human beings to observe the world and identify things, and is the visual counterpart of all visible light radiation with different wavelengths. In today's advocating film and television art, the function of light and color is no longer simple lighting, but to form visual elements with vitality, and create the motif reflected by works together with other artistic elements. From the experience of art history, color not only has the function of expressing ideas, but also can show the spiritual power. This feature allows us to use it as a lighting design to stimulate various associations of the audience and form a unique "language" to communicate with the audience.


Arnheim, Rudolf: Art and visual perception (Beijing: Social Sciences Press, China 1984).
Rudolf Arnheim: A new Theory of art Psychology (Beijing: The Commercial Press, Chian 1994).
L.H. Wang: On Light Color in Lighting Design (Literary life , China 2018),p. 25-29 (In Chinese)
