  • 學位論文


Exploration and Application of Ecodesign Strategies in Lighting Design

指導教授 : 梁桂嘉


科技與工商業的高速發展,導致生態破壞與地球資源損耗。環境保護的意識漸耕植企業界與消費者心中,倡導符合環保的規範與檢驗的綠色產品,減少對環境的傷害與衝擊。隨著這股綠色潮流,照明技術也逐漸朝開發省能源的綠色燈具。本創作研究以綠色設計角度出發,探討燈飾產品之綠色概念的應用與轉化,進一步導入個人創作概念,實行綠色燈飾之設計。 本研究由問卷調查分析綠色設計策略,以40款家用燈飾為案例研究對象,進行產品策略與表現方式的探討。將案例分析結果延伸至個人創作,最後發表個人創作並提出建議,期能提供日後相關設計人員燈飾設計時之參考建議。案例分析結果顯示:(1)運用低環境衝擊材料占燈飾設計的比例最高;而針對提升物流運輸的設計方式,所占的比率為最低;(2)不同燈種對於設計策略的抉擇沒有明顯固定的模式;(3)回收類型燈飾的設計策略方向,主要以選擇低環境衝擊材料與注重產品屆齡的再利用性作為產品開發之設計訴求。本設計創作分別採用低環境衝擊材料與注重產品有效週期作為構想發展的主軸,設計出Cloud、Float、Spin三款燈飾。本創作結果發現:低環境衝擊材料可選擇具回收性、可再生的塑膠材質,以維持產品的穩定性。提升產品的有效週期之方式,可著重於材質特性的掌握和提供產品的組合變化。由創作過程發現,透過結構式造型設計,對於改善產品的物流效能也有所助益。結構式的燈飾可有幾種作法:(1)五邊形的幾何形結構,增加產品多變的造型;(2)片狀的組裝設計方式,精簡產品在物流運輸中占用的體積,同時易於產品易拆卸、組裝;(3)搭配透光材質,使產品呈現豐富的層次性與空間感。


Due to the changes in the ecological environment and the emphasis on environmental protection, enterprises pursue environmentally growth and provide environmentally conscious green products. Therefore, designers need to considerate the environmental impacts on every stage of a product life cycle to make the products which will meet the environmental need. The aim of this paper is to research how green design makes an influence upon luminary design. Besides examining the presenting of feature in light design, it generalizes how ecodesign strategies and principle are applied and expressed on the each stage of the luminary life cycle. The study employs the result from design theory to apply to the real case of luminary design. In the study, it employs two main ecodesign strategies, such as selection of low-impact materials and optimization of end-of-life system, to design three type of light product. Through the design process illustrate how to lead the creative concept to match the core principle of Ecodesign. The findings of this study are listed as follow: 1. Utilize recycled and recyclable plastic material can improve the stability of product lifetime and enhance the recyclability. 2. Depending on understanding the material properties and provide flexible components, it could extend the usage cycle of light product. Moreover, structured appearances in the light product invest with a new look and style, it also increases the quality of logistic. There are three benefits of structured lighting. First, pentagon structured pattern create more change of products mixed. Secondly, flake structured would abridge its size in the logistic process, and it also could make the product easy to assemble and dismantle. Third, transparent materials structure spatiality and variation in the luminary.


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