  • 會議論文


A Preliminary Study of Research Framework and Context about Modern Chinese Design's Source in Shanghai




In the recent 20 years, with development of Chinese economic and the promotion of its national status, the significance of its cultural value in the world has been paid more attention. Cultural Aesthetics is a very important part of national cultural value and cultural image, and be close to nationality aesthetic judgment. Normally research of art history and design history of a country is necessary stage of research national cultural value. As an important part of it in China, research of Chinese modern design history become a focus, and one part of it is research of the beginning of the history. The value of the research, the structure, methods and problems of it will be described in this article. Moreover explain the five main parts of the structure and the relationship between them is also the content of the text. It is also the preparation of whole works about this research. This paper puts forward the close connection between the research about origin of Chinese modern design in Shanghai and the research of Chinese modern cultural aesthetic, and the significance of research content in Cultural Aesthetics. Meanwhile, In the face of cross-regional and national cultural exchange environment, the study of cultural aesthetics and design history should be treated equally, specially avoid errors of departmentalism caused by overemphasizing national character and national status.


