  • 期刊


The Movement of Japanese Copyright Law: the Legislation of Website Blocking and the Expansion of Illegal Downloads




This article mainly introduces two latest revisions in Japanese copyright law in response to the new types of copyright infringement such as "Comic Village" as a pirated comic website and aggregator websites. Among them, the legislation of website blocking was aimed at blocking general users' access to pirated websites, but had to give up due to strong criticism from constitutional views such as freedom of expression. The expansion of illegal downloads, despite the strong promotion of the Agency for Culture Affairs that quickly progressed to the eve of the bill's introduction in only three months, was temporarily shelved because of the strong opposition by the scholars and lawyers who were worried about the affect to national life, and now restart the discussion.


田村善之,知的財産法〔第 5 版〕,有斐閣,2010 年
文化審議会著作権分科会法制・基本問題小委員会報告書(2019 年 2月),http://www.bunka.go.jp/koho_hodo_oshirase/hodohappyo/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2019/02/05/a1413423_02.pdf,最終瀏覽日:2019/11/11
最判平成 23 年 1 月 20 日民集 65 巻 1 号 399頁
知的財産戦略本部検証・評価・企画委員会(第 3 回)議事録(2014 年11 月 26 日),https://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/singi/titeki2/tyousakai/kensho_hyoka_kikaku/2015/dai3/gijiroku.html,最終瀏覽日:2019/11/11。
知的財産戦略本部検証・評価・企画委員会次世代知財システム検討委員会(第 5 回)議事録(2016 年 2 月 8 日),https://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/singi/titeki2/tyousakai/kensho_hyoka_kikaku/2016/jisedai_tizai/dai5/gijiroku.pdf,最終瀏覽日:2019/11/11
