  • 期刊


A Comparison of Parliamentary Cabinet Systems in Britain and Japan




The parliamentary cabinet system originated in the United Kingdom and has been adopted by most democracies in the world; after Japan's defeat in World War II, the Japanese constitution promulgated in 1947 replaced the sovereignty of the monarchy with the sovereignty of the people, and the emperor became a harmless national symbol, that is, the monarch ruled without rule. The constitutional systems of Britain and Japan both contain the spirit of the parliamentary cabinet system, but there are still differences between the two countries. The composition of the parliamentary cabinet system can be divided into one-party cabinets and coalition cabinets. This paper selects Britain and Japan because the parliaments of both countries are one-party cabinets in most periods. Furthermore, what are the similarities and differences in the practical operation of the parliamentary cabinet systems of the UK and Japan? This paper uses the literature analysis method and the comparative method to compare the similarities and differences between the parliamentary cabinet systems of the UK and Japan. And at the conclusion, I look back at Taiwan's current constitutional system. Whether politicians or scholars, some people propose to move to a parliamentary cabinet system totally. Whether this proposal is feasible and whether it can achieve good results under the parliamentary cabinet system after years of operation in the UK and Japan will be discussed.


台灣有必要改採內閣制嗎? https://www.fountmedia.io/article/2961,最後瀏覽日期:2022/10/28。
