  • 學位論文


The Impact of the Electoral System Reform in House of Representatives on the Japanese Party Politics

指導教授 : 葛永光


本文主要是觀察日本代眾議院選制改革後對政黨政治的影響,討論五五年體制的政黨政治到選制變革後歷次選舉結果的變化,並針對政黨席次比例代表性、政黨數目、政黨角色與選舉競爭等來研究轉變中的政黨政治。本文發現,「小選區比例代表並立制」確實有促使日本政黨政治朝向兩黨制發展的趨勢,從1996至2009年的兩大黨議席佔有率及國會有效政黨數(ENPP)觀察,顯示改制為小選區與比例代表並立制後,政黨數目在小選區的抑制效果下,呈現兩黨勢力對抗的局面,但其中由於不同制度設計的結果,使得小黨仍有生存空間,目前仍是多黨制的局面。 另外,政黨地位有所提升,但無法助使該黨候選人在政黨保證下當選,擁有地盤、錢包與看板的候選人仍是當選機率最大者。派閥政治與金權政治這些昔日弊端至今仍無法獲得妥善解決,當初選制改革的目的並未完全達成,未來可能必須經歷修法或其他配套措施的設置,才能獲得有效解決。但實施的結果仍驗證了杜佛傑的立論,即選舉結果已漸次朝向兩黨體系發展中。


This article is to observe the impact of the electoral system reform in House of Representatives on the Japanese party politics. Discuss the party politics changes after electoral system reform, and study proportionality of political parties’ seats, party system, electoral competition and role of political parties. From 1996 to 2009, the two major party share of seats and ENPP show that “Mixed-member majoritarian system” in Japan trend towards two-party system. But the system design let the small party can survive. Therefore, the political parties in Japan are still the multi-party system. In addition, the status of political parties has improved, but can not let the party's candidates under the guarantee of political parties are elected. The candidate with area, wallet and signage is still the biggest winner. Clique politics and money politics these still have not satisfactorily resolved, the original purpose of election reform is not fully reached. However, the hopes of two-party-system, the pattern of healthy competition and second peaceful transition of political parties have been achieved. In the future, for solving the problem may have to amend the law or set other supporting measures. But the results still proved Duverger’s argument, which the results of the election system have been gradually towards the development of the two parties.


19.林繼文,1997,〈制度選擇如何可能:論日本之選舉制度改革〉,《台灣政治學刊》,第2 期,頁63-105
