  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess





According to the planning of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, the Shanghai Free Trade Zone (Free Trade Zone) is mainly aimed at attracting foreign investment, but relevant economic data shows that the proportion of foreign investment attracted is lower than that of domestic capital. Relevant existing literature argues that the central government has absolute control over local governments in economic policy, but it cannot provide a reasonable explanation for the aforementioned phenomena. To answer "why local governments can break away from the economic tasks entrusted by the central government when implementing policies." This paper intends to adopt a fragmented authoritarian theoretical framework and assume that the more inconsistent interests of the sectors involved in the policy, the foreign investment in the free trade zone. The lower the amount. This paper has practical and theoretical importance. If the results of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, which is a demonstration in practice, cannot be accurately grasped, it will be difficult to replicate successful experiences to pilot in their respective trade zones. Therefore, it is particularly clear that the factors affecting the effectiveness of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone are important. In theory, this paper cites the fragmented authoritarian theoretical framework to analyze the China Free Trade Zone, thus filling in the phenomenon of the fact that there is still sectoral competition under state capitalism.


