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The Effects of Social Network, Education and Certification on the Wages of Young Workers


青年勞工係指年齡在15~29歲的勞動者,而該年齡層的失業率往往高於平均失業率,薪資水準也普遍低於平均所得。根據經濟學原理,勞動市場的供給和需求會決定工資的多寡;然而,影響薪資水準的因素有很多,青年勞工該具備那些條件才能擁有一份高薪的工作?本研究欲探討社會網絡的運用及人力資本的投資對青年勞工薪資的影響,前者係指透過特定關係求職,後者則著重在學歷與證照的取得與否。透過2012年青年勞工就業狀況調查問卷及OLS與Ordered Probit模型,我們發現,社會網絡對於青年勞工而言,也許是重要的尋職管道,卻不是高薪的保證;相對於其他的青年工作者,透過社會網絡取得工作的青年勞工反而不容易獲得相對高薪的工作。在人力資本方面,不論是投資在大學以上學歷或是持有證照,對於青年勞工的薪資所得都有顯著正向影響;若進一步將證照區分成專業證照和一般證照,持有專業證照對青年勞工的薪資所得有顯著正向影響,持有一般證照對青年勞工的薪資所得則無顯著影響;此外,在樣本都持有證照的情況下,我們發現大學以上學歷對於青年勞工的薪資沒有顯著影響。


社會網絡 人力資本 學歷 證照 薪資


Young workers aged 15 to 29 often suffer from high unemployment rate, and they usually earn lower wages than those of older workers. According to economic theories, workers' wages are determined by the demand and supply in a free market economy, and factors affecting the level of wages are plenty. This study explores the effects of social network and human capital on the wages of young workers. The former refers to getting a job through individual relationships, and the latter refers to education and certification. Using data drawn from the Survey on the Employment Situation of Young Labor 2012, both OLS and ordered probit models are estimated in this study. The results show that social network is not a guarantee to obtain high wages, although it might be an important way for young workers to get a job. Young workers are less likely to be in high-income positions if they get their jobs though social network. In addition, education and certification produce statistically significant and positive effects on the wages of young workers, especially college degree and professional certification. We differentiate certification into professional and general, and the effect of professional certification is greater than general certification. However, for young workers with certification, college education does not produce a significant effect on wages.


social network human capital education certification wage
