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An Analysis of International Discourse Power of China's "Belt and Road" Initiative




This article examines how Mainland China expands its influence through international communication. There are five approaches: international discourse power, the process of agenda setting, the uses of media, the influences of economic and political environment, and the effects of discourse performance. By tracking the ongoing promotion of the "Belt and Road" Initiative in the international arena, the Belt and Road Forum has successfully secured China's dominance over its discourse. The agenda setting of "Belt and Road" Initiative has been framed as a global public good that will pave the way for the next stage of world development. China boasts of making winners out of all participants with its solutions and sage wisdom. At the same time, fear and suspicion are mingled on international media coverage. Mainland China needs to curb the narratives that "Belt and Road" Initiative is being used to advance its own interests, or else its ambitious campaign will fail. The mounting anxieties over the rise of China needs to be eased through international discourse. The question is how.
