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A Study of China's Joining the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations in Lebanon from 2006 to 2020


聯合國安理會1978年3月通過第425號決議,派遣聯合國黎巴嫩臨時部隊(United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, UNIFIL)前往黎巴嫩南部地區執行維和任務,然而中共依據鄧小平同年12月提出「對內改革、對外開放」戰略決策,以及聯合國與黎巴嫩政府要求,2006年3月才派遣190人組成的維和部隊參與該項維和任務,同時為首次向中東地區投入維和部隊,擴大對該地區維和任務的深度與廣度,塑造「和平、友好、開放」形象。同時藉此學習先進國家指揮管理、訓練作戰等多方資訊,提高維和官兵專業素質,累積海外非戰爭軍事行動經驗,以及配合中央高層海外戰略布局與國家利益需要,確保海外經濟利益。未來將持續深化參與維和任務,企圖成為國際上亟具影響力的維和強國,俾利鞏固其國際領導地位。


United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 425 in March 1978, sending United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) to Lebanon's southern regions to carry out peacekeeping missions. However, based on Deng Xiaoping's policy of "Reform and Opening-up" and the demands from the UN and Lebanon Government, it was March 2006 that China sent its first peacekeeping forces to join the mission in the Middle East. The goal was to broaden and strengthen China's investment in that region, building up its "peaceful, friendly, and open-minded" image. China wanted to raise PLA's qualities of commanding and managing, learning the advanced information of military training from developed countries. Furthermore, for matching up its national strategy and economic interests overseas, China also needs to accumulate the experiences of carrying out overseas military operations other than war. In the future, China is sure to keep enhancing the participation of peacekeeping missions, fulfilling its plans of becoming "the great power of peacekeeping" and to consolidate its international leadership.
