  • 期刊


Mirror Image Through Vision




反身性 存在 自我 鏡像階段


The mirror was once a symbol of wealth and decorative taste of the elite class. Over time, it has evolved into a commonplace fixture. Mirrors can alter the way human beings perceive themselves and others. The "mirror image" can produce a similar image more faithfully than a painting, but it still is a false and illusory one. Because the mirror image is a physical experience that has the capability to transform into an intangible form, humans can experience it as a tangible visual image or one of invisible thought and cogitation. The momentum of the internet and information technology has created an "Image Age" which appropriately reflects the mainstream trend of our tendency to recognize and appreciate the contemporary world. Hence, this article investigates the mirror image from the perspective of human vision, and subsequently extends to the semiotic point of view, sorting out the mirror's symbolic form and function. Particular emphasis will be on Jacques Lacan's "mirror stage" theory which clarifies the exemplary relationships between subjectivity, self-consciousness, and the mirror image. Discussions of Maurice Merleau-Ponty's subjectivity construction will also be included, and the applications and visionary metaphors of mirror image as a concept in arts and movies will be analyzed.


reflexivity being ego the mirror stage


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