  • 期刊


Contested Administrative Decisions for the Unjustified Designation of Buildings as Cultural Heritage-No State Responsibility for Unjustified Damages? Analysis of Decision Number 1996/1 by Tainan District Civil Court in Taiwan




The decision by the Tainan District Civil Court of Taiwan (No. 1996/1) has affirmed that the State is not responsible for the indemnification of legal damages arising from the revoking of an administrative decision concerning illegal designation of cultural heritage buildings. Nevertheless, this author believes that the State should be responsible for financial compensation of damages. If government exerts unjustified authority over the people in the form of "analogous expropriation of property rights", then they have a duty to render reasonable compensation for the damages incurred. The principle of "reasonable compensation" in case of governmental analogous expropriation of property rights can be deduced not only from similarities with German law, but also from existing Taiwanese laws. Finally, where buildings and sites have been mistakenly assigned "protected" status, appropriate compensation should be awarded if this unjustified designation is revoked.


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