  • 期刊


Crafts and ethnic education- the transition of Atayal traditional arts


無形文化遺產兼具傳統特質與日常生活,透過教育傳習是保存與傳遞文化遺產最重要的方法之一。臺灣自1990年代起開始重視不同文化的差異性與獨特性,公部門也開始投注心力試圖將原住民族教育融入一般教育體系,卻忽略民族教育在地化的重要性,未能真正落實原住民文化傳承的核心精神。什麼是原住民民族教育的核心目標?原住民該如何在現代教育與社會以及部落傳統之間找到一個平衡點呢?更進一步的思惟:沒有過去部落生活需求下的原住民工藝,又該如何依循族群文化的核心價值,在現代社會形態中找到延續發展的動能?泰雅族織品藝術家尤瑪.達陸(Yuma Taru),多年來不斷摸索如何為當代臺灣原住民傳統織品找尋新價值。她建立了「色舞繞民族學園」,一個完全以泰雅文化傳統與價值為核心,融合現代生活知識體系的族語學前兒童園地,泰雅族工藝的實作與美學亦歸納在學習範疇之中,這也許是未來臺灣原住民文化教育政策的另類思考。此外,為了培育專業織者的創新能力,近期內將成立染織工藝學校,企圖提供一套進階專業的學習機制,讓泰雅族傳統工藝織者在銜接上傳統泰雅織品知識系統之後,提昇織品設計與運用的能力,成為真正能夠掌握傳統、勇於創新的當代織品工藝師。


Intangible cultural heritage is both traditional and living. One of the key ways to protect and transmit culture heritage is through education. Since the 1990s, Taiwan started to look into and respect the individuality and differences between different cultures. The government has put a lot of effort into indigenous education associated with general education, but there has been little done in the way of education about indigenous people. What are the fundamental goals of indigenous education? We may say it is about the preservation of cultures and traditions. In reality, most of the indigenous people can hardly go back to wearing loincloths like their ancestors. Can the indigenous peoples find their modern education a dynamic equilibrium of tradition in modern living? Taiwanese Atayal weaver, Yuma Taru is a pioneer among Taiwan's indigenous artists in taking action to preserve the cultural legacy of indigenous identity and woven culture. Despite the general education system, she started a tribal preschool in a remote Atayal village in Miaoli County that has operated since 2011. This experimental education project for children in her tribe combines traditional beliefs and rituals with knowledge about life and nature in a modern context. This case study examines the educational policy of Taiwanese indigenous culture heritage and provides the potential for captivating a whole new generation of indigenous Taiwanese.


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