  • 期刊


Reconstructing Nature in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage: the Cases of Taipei Water Park and Grass Mountain Aqueduct




What is the relationship between the preservation of cultural heritage and nature? How does nature reconstruct cultural heritage? Based on the analysis of secondary information and field observation, this article examines two cases. One is the Taipei Water Park in Gongguan, and the other is the Grass Mountain Aqueduct in Tianmu. The analysis shows how the different attitudes towards and practices of nature / water will lead to two distinct outcomes for cultural heritage. It is found out that the Taipei Water Park is produced by the collective consumption under cultural governance in Taipei. Nature is diminished, and it is regarded as a mere object of control in a recreationalized area of space. Inside the Water Park one sees the separation of culture and nature; the water located in water play areas and the water treatment plant suits the purpose of recreation and to create a spectacle. The Grass Mountain Aqueduct, on the other hand, is closely tied to nature. With incorporation of the Aqueduct Festival and the naming ceremony of the aqueduct, the Grass Mountain Aqueduct became a historical site featuring running water. It moreover reconstructs an enchanted, yet accessible, sacred space featuring a water source by making itself more publically accessible. The nature in the Aqueduct therefore shows its vitality and wildness. This article argues that nature can be the kernel to sustain the physical structure of cultural heritage as well as its meaning. Nature triggers the production of space associated with various structures, which then in turn reshape nature itself and structure the actors' discursive practices and their reproduction. The research concludes that the discursive practices centering around cultural heritage should be based on the joint constitution of both social and natural orders.


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