  • 期刊


Environmental Evaluation of the Preventive Preservation of Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of Wugoushui Settlement, Pingtung County


本文從微觀的層級,運用監測及計算流體力學(CFD)數值模擬的方式,以屏東五溝水聚落為例,探討在溼熱氣候下聚落的預防性保存。據現況調查與監測數據,五溝水聚落氣候溼熱,現代建築數量過多,密集興建於聚落外緣,而且巷弄中常見違建填塞,四周種植高密度的檳榔和香蕉,導致聚落內風速低且溫溼度高,環境亟需改善。進一步由室內外環境CFD模擬,指認問題區域,以傳統建築密集區域為改善重點,基於保存的原則,不改變傳統建築量體與格局,而且不更換建材與構造方式的前提下,提出現代建築頂樓加蓋、地面層違建清除,以及大面積作物栽種密度調整,單顆植栽移植為對策,模擬結果為街道及室外平均風速提高0.2-0.5 m/s,平均溫度降低1.1°C,傳統建築物案例之室內溫度平均降低幅度約1.27°C。從研究中發現「溼度」是臺灣聚落建築群保存工作的重點,加強室外通風是控制溼度的有效手段,此外,周邊環境對於預防性保存影響極大,建議未來聚落的保存工作,在保存及再發展計畫及維護方針中,以預防性保存的角度,納入周邊環境的考量,規範聚落內的現代建築、違建及植栽等,並且於新建築興建前,提出環境模擬評估。


Using basic monitoring data, this study utilizes computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation methods to evaluate the microcosmic environments of settlements, with the goal of improved preventive preservation of settlements. The study's results show that humidity is of crucial importance to Taiwan's building preservation, and good open-air ventilation is an effective means to control the humidity. In addition, surroundings have a significant influence upon settlement preservation. The results of the simulations show that if the outdoor average wind speed increased by 0.2-0.5ms^(-1), the average temperature decreased by 1.10°C, whereas for traditional architecture the average indoor temperature decrease was about 1.27°C. Currently, the laws and regulations concerning settlement preservation are still inadequate. Therefore, the following suggestions are recommended: 1) settlement preservation should take surroundings and residents into consideration from the perspective of preventive preservation; 2) new buildings, buildings that do not meet current regulations, and tree-planting within settlements should be regulated; 3) environmental simulation and evaluation should be conducted prior to the construction of new buildings.


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