  • 學位論文


The Development of Local River Preservatuon --A Case Study of Wucheng area,Nantou County

指導教授 : 廖學誠


國立台灣師範大學地理研究所碩士論文摘要 研究所別:地理系碩士班 論文名稱:溪流保育的在地發展-以南投縣五城村為例 指導教授:廖學誠 研 究 生:賴玉芳 論文內容:共一冊,約十萬字,分六章十八節,並以八百字扼要說明內容 摘要: 地理學者認為地景乃經由人地互動的過程所形塑,五城社區(範圍等於五城村)溪流保育運動的出現,反映出山區居民與土地在人文環境急劇轉變的時空脈絡下,所發展出的人地互動關係。本文嘗試以多元的研究方法、推動社區發展的詮釋路徑來探討社區進行環境保護行動的運作機制,及其對社區的影響。最後運用SWOT分析五城社區進行環境行動以推動社區發展,其本身所擁有的優劣勢及面對的外在機會、威脅,並提出策略建議。 五城社區居民對溪流環境開始作資源管理,一方面受外界環境的影響,如:九二一災區重建政策、南投縣觀光發展趨勢等的影響,一方面是村民的自覺,如:社區農業發展遭遇瓶頸有轉型的必要、當地溪流環境逐漸惡化。在環境行動的過程中,發起人運用社區內緊密的社會網絡關係及社區進行保育的需求召集村中居民共同組成南投縣蓮花池護溪保育協會。護溪協會的成立為環境行動爭取到較多的外界支援,經由社區環境的美化、居民互動來對居民的環境保護觀念產生影響。 分析五城社區溪流保育在地發展之內部優勢有:社區內組織的協調性尚可;協會目標明確、領導人積極推動;緊密的社會關係;自然與人文資源豐富;漸進式的發展歷程降低破壞風險。內部劣勢包括:缺少自然與人文資源的調查;正確的環境保護觀念未落實,居民對生態保育的執行方式缺乏共識;社區組織的營運經費仍須倚賴政府補助;居民社區參與的觀念薄弱;相關遊憩設施及特色產業尚未完備;山坡地的利用。外部機會包括:鼓勵民眾參與的政策潮流;容易取得的生態或社區經營資訊;台灣社經環境的配合;地理位置恰與周圍車埕、日月潭等觀光景點連成一氣。外在威脅包括:政府公共工程造成不當干擾;天然災害的威脅;生態旅遊社區的競爭。 為求五城社區資源管理能持續發展,本研究對五城社區提出幾點建議:加強社區環境與民眾參與內涵的教育、善用當地的社會經濟狀況與文化條件、行政與承繼人才的培育、取得社區發展與環境保護的平衡點。 關鍵詞:五城社區、溪流保育、社區發展、SWOT分析


National Taiwan Normal University Graduate School of Geography Master's Thesis Thesis Title: The Development of Local River Preservation --A Case Study of Wucheng Area, Yuchr Village, Nantou County. Thesis Director: Shyue-Cherng Liaw Thesis Author: Yu-Fang Lai Abstract: Geographers believe that the earth landscape is formed by interaction between human being and the Earth. The river preservation movement in Wucheng Community reflects the development of relationship between human and the Earth facing rapid changes between people living in the mountain and the humanistic environment. This paper attempts to use multimethod and explanation of community development to study the operation system and impacts of community environmental preservation. Lastly, SWOT analysis will be used to analyze the Wucheng Community’s environmental protection actions in promoting community developments: internal strengths and weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats. The paper will offer strategic suggestions. The external environment affects resource management of river preservation movement of Wucheng Community on one hand. For instance: reconstruction policy of 921 disaster areas, tourism development trend in Nantou County. On the other hand, it is also affected by the awareness of the villagers. For instance: a need to transform the agricultural industry in the community as it faces a bottleneck, deterioration of local river conditions. During the process, the originator makes use of the closely-knitted community network and the need to carry out community preservation to assemble local residents in forming the Nantou County Lotus Lake River Preservation Association. The goal of the association is to seize opportunities for more external support and influence the concept of environmental protection through beautifying the environment and interaction with local residents. The internal strengths of Wucheng Community in terms of river preservation include: still coordination between organizations in the community, clear goal of the association, enthusiastic leaders in promoting the movement, close societal relationship, rich natural and humanistic resources, gradual development which reduces the risk of damage. Internal weaknesses include: lack of surveys on humanistic and ecological resources, correct environmental protection concepts have yet to be implemented, residents did not reach a consensus on the execution of ecological preservation efforts, the community still depends on subsidies from the government, weak participation of community residents, incomplete recreation facilities and specialized industries, applications of slopes. External opportunities include: encourage the public to participate in policies and trends, ecological or community information are easily obtained, cooperation from socioeconomic environment in Taiwan, ideal geographical location connected with popular tourist spots such as Checheng and Sun Moon Lake. External threats include: disturbance from inappropriate government public construction projects, threats from natural disasters, competition from ecotourism community. To allow the continuous development of resource management in Wucheng community, this research offers a few suggestions: enhance the community environment and public education, utilize the economic conditions and cultural elements appropriately, nurture administrative talents and successors, and strike a balance between community development and environmental preservation. Key Words: Wucheng community, local river preservation, community development, SWOT analysis.




