



泰国 旅游业 4.0时代 可持续发展


Tourism industry plays a vital role in the Thai economic development. However, its rapid development and expansion has also brought numerous issues to the Thai environment. In order to rectify the environment and develop the sustainable tourism, the Royal Thai government has introduced and implemented various measures to promote the sustainable tourism as it is a major issue of Thailand's tourism industry in Thailand's 4.0 era. The current situations of Thailand's tourism industry are discussed in this article, using the SWOT analysis to analyze its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats including its developing potential in the 4.0 era. Furthermore, the effective development strategies and plans are also recommended with the purpose to contribute the healthy development of Thai tourism industry. Effective developing strategies that might be benefited for Thailand's sustainable tourism are also suggested as well. Using Digital platform for expanding tourism, public relations or spreading natural resources and environment conservation data including local culturals must be accomplished by both government and establishments. Global standard for Tourism manufacturing and services must be well-supported. Big data shall be used for tourist desiration analysis and "Thailand's development policy 4.0" shall be the essential core to create modern and various Thailand's tourism cultures. These all are implemented for enlarging competitive capabilities of Thailand sustainable tourism industry.
