  • 學位論文


The Self-Sufficiency Economy in Thailand: Philosophy and Practice

指導教授 : 陳佩修


泰王拉瑪九世1974年提所出的「自給自足經濟」(泰文為เศรษฐกิจพอเพียง,英譯Sufficiency Economy),建立在「適度」、「合理」與「韌性」的三個核心概念之下,配合「知識」及「道德」兩個層面。「自給自足經濟」分別在1997年、2007年及2017年被泰國政府再度被提起,其被提起的時間點都是泰國國內有動盪的時刻,希望能透過「自給自足經濟」提升承受外部衝擊的能力,使泰國度過不穩定的階段。筆者認為,「自給自足經濟」帶給泰國的不僅是生活上的改變,也使人民逐漸從「自足」邁向「知足」。 「自給自足經濟」哲學是種價值觀與思想的革命,不僅僅是一項「經濟」方案,其主要內容是希望帶給泰國人民在生活上的根本指導。由下而上的影響的從個人層次擴大到社區、地方,最後則是影響到國家層次的原則性指導。泰王所提出的「自給自足經濟」哲學與國家發展、政治經濟情勢有複雜的關聯性,也彰顯出此一哲學理念的重要性。


King Bhumibol of Thailand championed a philosophy of Self-Sufficiency Economy at 1974. Which is based on three principles “Moderation”,” Reasonableness” and “Self-Immunity”. The three principles are related and all three are governed by the principles of knowledge and morality. The Self-Sufficiency Economy was again raised by the Thai government in 1997. 2007 and 2017. It was mention by the moment of turmoil in Thailand, hoping to enhance the impact of external shocks. The Self-Sufficiency Economy is not only changes Thai people’s life, but also make them from Self-Sufficiency to know contentment. The Philosophy of Self- Sufficiency Economy is a revolution of values and ideology, not just an “economic” program. Its main content is to bring the Thai people guidance in their life. Bottom-up the influence from individual-level to community-level and finally affect the principle guiding of the national-level. The Self-Sufficiency Economy has a complex relationship with national development, political and economic issue. This also highlights the importance of this philosophy.


Thailand Self-Sufficiency Rama IX


壹、 專書
Allen Hicken (2004), The Politics of Economic Reform in Thailand: Crisis and
Compromise. The William Davidson Institute.
Chai-anan Samudavanija. 1982, The Thai Young Turks, Singapore: Institute of
