  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


The Relationship between Humanistic Buddhism and Traditional Buddhism: An Analysis Based on Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Interpretation of Chan




This paper references Humanistic Buddhism as advocated by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, notably his interpretations and elucidations of Chan teachings in the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch, Lotus Sutra, and Vimalakīrti Sūtra as examples. This paper discusses and analyzes the relationship between Humanistic Buddhism and the doctrines of traditional Buddhism. Namely, Venerable Master's idea of "understanding attained through the Dharma, practices accomplished through Chan and Pure Land." The following aspects are explored: Firstly, from the ineffable Chan to Venerable Master's interpretations of Chan, to reflect on Venerable Master's Chan interpretation as one that embodies expedient teachings to reveal the truth. Secondly, and practically, to elaborate the resemblant traits between Humanistic Buddhism and traditional Buddhism by connecting Venerable Master's Four Givings with the compassionate guidance and expedient means originating from the Lotus Sutra. Thirdly, with reference to Venerable Master's favorite lay practitioner, Vimalakīrti, to effectively show how Venerable Master propagates Buddhism in contemporary society in terms of self-practice and liberating others. Lastly, to specifically outline Venerable Master's inheritance of traditional Buddhism, and subsequent development of Humanistic Buddhism that affirms the belief that "Humanistic Buddhism is the light and hope for the future of Buddhism."
