  • 期刊


China-Latin America Maritime Silk Road and the Formation of the Cross-regional Trade Network in the Early 16th the 17th Century




The China-Latin America Maritime Silk Road was formed in the second half of the 16th century and entered its best period at the beginning of the 17th century. With its development, a large number of Chinese raw silk and silk fabrics were transported to Latin America via the Philippines, and Latin American silver flowed into the Philippines through Mexico and finally entered into China, which forms an early cross-regional trade network. To a certain extent, this cross-regional trade network promotes the circulation of commodities and currencies in the world. The China-Latin America Maritime Silk Road not only brought about the synchronous development of Zhangzhou (漳州), Manila, Acapulco, Lima and other places, but also accelerated the population flow between the East and the West, which increases the diversity the population structure in the Philippines and Latin America. At the same time, under this background, Chinese culture has also been effectively disseminated, which promotes the development of early overseas Sinology.


China Latin America Spain Manila Galleon trade Silk Road
