  • 期刊


Health Literacy in Children and Adolescents-An Example of Obesity


健康識能是一個人運用聽、說、讀、寫及計算等方法,以達到疾病預防及健康促進的能力。然而隨著不同時間的演進,健康識能的定義及內容也有不同的解釋或說明。近二、三十年來,肥胖或過重是開發中或己開發國家重要的公共衛生及預防保健議題之一。不只成年人,兒童及青少年的肥胖預防更是非傳染性疾病(Non-Communicable Diseases, NCDs)管理中,重要且不可或缺的一環。健康體位的管理包括適當的飲食營養、規律持久的體能活動及正確的生活作息等,這都有賴兒童及青少年健康識能的提升來達到,此也與父母親的健康識能有密切相關。本文在回顧兒童及青少年健康識能的現況與評估方法,父母親及孩童健康識能對其體重或體位的相關。研究顯示父母與孩童的健康識能成正相關,父母的健康識能越高,孩童的肥胖風險較低。孩童的健康識能與其健康行為有關而與其肥胖盛行成負相關。同時收集目前正在執行的試驗計畫,分析其概念模式、執行架構及評估結果,探討提升健康識能的介入措施等,作為未來兒童及青少年健康體位管理或肥胖防治的參考。


健康識能 兒童 青少年 肥胖症


Health literacy is defined as a person using the ability of listen, speak, read, write and calculate to achieve the goals of disease prevention and health promotion. However, from time to time, there are different definitions and contents of health literacy. In recently two to three decades, overweight and obesity is one of the most important public health and medical care issues in both developing and developed countries. Not only in adulthood but in childhood and young adolescent, the prevention of obesity is one of the key issues for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) management. Healthy body composition managements need appropriate diet intake, regular and sustain physical activity and good lifestyles. These all depend on the improvement of health literacy on children, young adolescents and their parents. In this review, we explore the current status, assessments and correlation of health literacy among children, young adolescents and their parents. The health literacy is positively correlated between parents and children. The higher health literacy of parents has the low risk of obesity of their children. Furthermore, the health literacy among children and young adolescents are not only positively correlated with their healthy behaviors and lifestyles but also negatively correlated with the risk of obesity in later life. We review some ongoing studies and clinical trials to examine their conceptual models, practice frameworks and outcomes evaluation. Furthermore, we evaluate the education and intervention programs that associated with increasing health literacy for the benefits of obesity prevention in the later life for young adolescents.


health literacy children young adolescent obesity
