  • 期刊

Research on Strategic Choice of Enterprise Innovation under the Shared Economy


[Purposes] The main purpose of this article is to collect micro‐blog comments for emotional analysis and get the emotional tendency of the audience. [Method] First, collecting one favorite video comments in micro‐blog as corpus. Then, Pycharm software is used to process the data, that is, word2vec is used to generate the word vector. Finally, through machine learning method to further analyze the accuracy of data to get the conclusion. [Findings] When the processed data is calculated by machine learning algorithm, the corresponding accuracy is obtained, which confirms that the research is also suitable for sentiment analysis of short video comments on micro‐blog. However, it also can be found that the limitation of the study is that it is not complete to determine emotional orientation only by accuracy rate. [Conclusions] In general, this topic is for the emotional analysis of short video comments on micro‐blog. Through the research, it can also be got the emotional tendency of the audience, which shows that in practice, the technology of emotional analysis is suitable for most fields.


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