  • 期刊

Group Privacy: Literature Review and Research Prospects


Group privacy is often violated, because individuals often upload information on social media or application software, but when the information is jointly constructed by individuals and others, the so‐called "personal information" disclosed by individuals often does not belong to a person, but to the group. Group privacy and related issues stimulate the continuing attention of academia, industry and society. This study sorted out the literature related to group privacy, summarized the concept of group privacy, the willingness of individuals and groups to disclose private information, group privacy protection and other main research directions, and confirmed that group privacy is a field with great potential and needs to be built a research system, which enriches the knowledge map of group privacy research. The research on group privacy has attracted increasing attention from many scholars, and has obtained fruitful research results and broadened the research vision. However, a unified theoretical framework system has not been formed, the research methods and theories of group privacy are not rich enough, the research results are scarce, and there is a lack of research on group privacy of active groups and empirical research. Therefore, this paper proposes a framework for future research on group privacy.


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L. Floridi: Open data, data protection, and group privacy (Philosophy & Technology), Vol. 27 (2014) No. 1, p.1-3.
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H. Jia, E.P.S. Baumer: Birds of a feather: Collective privacy of online social activist groups (Computers & Security), Vol. (2022) , p.115.
