  • 期刊


Quality and Flavor of Goat Milk Yoghurt Filled with Fruit Spices and Jams


本研究擬以添加各種果醬、香料於羊乳酸酪乳製造過程中,以研製多樣化口味之羊乳酸酪乳製品,俾供業界參考。結果顯示:添加各種果醬或香料於酸酪乳製造過程中,對於羊乳酸酪乳製品之生菌數略有顯著之影響,大致維持在10^9 CFU/ml以上,即使在貯藏14日仍維持10^8 CFU/ml左右。製品之pH值在開始時約4.48〜4.70,而貯藏14日後則為4.15〜4.32,其酸度變化不大。本研究由於果醬是添加在容器底部,所以並不會影響到製品之外觀及組織,但果醬或水果香料之添加大致可提高製品之風味及接受性,對羊乳中所含有之特殊脂肪臭有部分抑制之功效。品評之初步結果在果醬方面以添加什錦及柳橙果醬者接受性較佳。在水果香料方面,則以添加櫻桃香精者接受性較佳。


羊乳酸酪乳 水果香料 果醬


An experiment was conducted to manufacture multiple goat milk yoghurts filled with various kinds of jams or spices for the application of dairy industries. The results showed that there was little significant effect on viable counts of products from the addition of various jams if yoghurt was maintained beyond 10^9 CFU/ml, even stored for 14 days. Its viable counts still stood at about 10^8 CFU/ml. The pH value was 4.48~4.70 at the start and pH 4.15~4.32 after 14 days storage, and did not change significantly. The texture and appearance of products were not affected because the additives were placed on the bottom layer of vessel, but the addition of jams or spices in products could increase flavor, acceptability and repress special odor derived from goat milk. In organoleptic evaluations, yoghurts filled with mixed fruit jam, orange jam and cherry essence had a higher score than others.


Goat milk yoghurt Fruit spice Jam
