  • 期刊


In Vivo Digestibilities of Tofu Pomace and Its Optimal Level Used in a Total Mixed Ration for Dairy Lactating Cows


豆腐渣是黃豆製作豆腐等食品後的剩餘物,為本省常用的乳牛飼糧原料之一。本試驗目的在測定豆腐渣的活體消化率及其在泌乳牛完全混合日糧中的適當用量。試驗一將九頭平均體重457±29 kg的荷蘭公牛逢機分成三組,進行全糞收集的表面總消化道消化率測定,得知在盤固乾草任食下,飼糧添加10或20 kg豆腐渣可以顯著提升乾物採食量佔體重的比例,且改善除了纖維以外的營養組成分的消化率,以差異法計算得到豆腐渣乾物質、粗蛋白質、中洗纖維、總可消化營養分及可消化能分別為79.3、82.1、68.8、87.4%及3.98 Mcal/kg。試驗二將22頭平均泌乳量23.6 kg的荷蘭乳牛經兩週變積期飼養後依照乳量逢機分成三組,餵飼含豆腐渣0、10或20 kg的完全混合日糧六週。豆腐渣以取代精料及盤固半乾青貯草量方式加入飼糧。試驗所得豆腐渣乾物質、粗蛋白質與中洗纖維含量分別為10.3、25.5與42.9%(乾基)。豆腐渣的加入提高飼糧粗蛋白質濃度與精料比例,但並未顯著影響牛隻乾物採食量、3.5%乳脂校正乳量與大部份的生乳組成,僅10 kg用量組顯著降低生乳比重(1.0311 vs. 1.0321,P<0.01),三組牛群的採食量分別為21.5、20.4與20.3 kg/頭/日;校正乳量分別為21.9、23.7與22.6 kg/頭/日。經濟效益評估方面,三組扣除飼料費後的粗收入分別為186、205與184元/頭/日。綜合試驗結果顯示,豆腐渣是一種高消化率的自產飼料資源,以取代方式加入飼糧時,推薦泌乳牛每日每頭適當豆腐渣採食量為10 kg(餵飼基)。


豆腐渣 消化率 泌乳性能 乳牛


Tofu pomace (TFP) is the residue from tofu production and is commonly used as a feed ingredient for dairy cattle in Taiwan. The objectives of these studies were to measure its in vivo digestibility and determine its optimal level in a total mixed ration for lactating cows. A total of nine Holstein bulls averaged BW 457± 29 kg were randomly assigned into three groups for a total feces collection digestion trial. Pangolagrass hay and water were offered ad lib. for all groups and TFP was supplemented at 0, 10 or 20 kg per day per head (as fed basis) . Results showed that addition of TFP significantly improved the dry matter intake (DMI) expressed as percentage of body weight and the nutrient digestibilities except for the fiber content. Apparent digestibilities of DM, CP, NDF and TDN and digestible energy of TFP were 79.3, 82.1, 68.8 and 87.4% and 3.98 Mcal/kg, respectively. In feeding trial, twenty-two Holstein lactating cows with average milk yield of 23.6 kg were allocated into three groups for six weeks and provided total mixed rations containing 0, 10, or 20 kg TFP per day per cow. Tofu pomace was added into diets by substituting partial grain mixture and pangolagrass haylage. Dry matter, CP and NDF contents of TFP were 10.3, 25.5 and 42.9% on a DM basis. Addition of TFP increased the dietary CP levels and grain ratio but did not affect the DMI and 3.5% fat corrected milk yield. DMI of these three groups were 21.5, 20.4 and 20.3 kg and milk yield were 21.9, 23.7 and 22.6 kg per day per cow, respectively. Among milk components, only the specific gravity was significantly lowered in TFP 10 kg group (1.0311 vs. 1.0321, P < 0.01). The TFP 10 kg group increased daily crude income by 20 NT$ per cow as compared with the other two groups. It was concluded that TFP is a highly digestible feed ingredient for dairy cows and can be properly compounded into a TMR at the rate of 10 kg per day per cow or 5.3% on dry matter basis.
