  • 期刊


Effects of different gums on the quality of duck liver paste


本試驗以40%之生鮮鴨肝配合所製備之基礎肉漿分別添加0.25%的關華豆膠、鹿角菜膠及三仙膠,製成鴨肝醬後,製品經真空包裝於3℃下貯存28天,並於第0、7、14、21及28天分別取樣分析,以探討貯存期間品質之變化。試驗結果顯示:在蒸煮失重方面,添加鹿角菜膠可顯著降低蒸煮失重(P<0.05),而關華豆膠及三仙膠亦有減少蒸煮失重的趨勢。在一般組成分方面,添加膠類之鴨肝醬其水分含量皆有顯著較高的趨勢,而脂肪含量則有顯著較低的趨勢(P<0.05),在蛋白質和灰份方面則無顯著差異。在物性方面,膠類添加組不論在彈性、硬度及咀嚼性皆顯著較對照組高(P<0.05),其中以添加鹿角菜膠組最高。在官能品評方面,膠類的添加有顯著提高鴨肝醬之風味、組織、色澤及總接受性之趨勢(P<0.05)。在儲存試驗方面,pH值在各處理組間並無顯著差異;總生菌數及乳酸菌數在各處理組間亦無顯著差異;隨著貯存時間的增加,總生菌數及乳酸菌數皆有增加的趨勢,總生菌數在貯存至28天時總生菌數仍在2.85 log CFU/g以下。2-硫巴比妥酸(TBA)值及揮發性鹽基態氮(VBN)值在各組間並無顯著差異,隨著貯存時間的增加TBA值及VBN值皆有增加的趨勢。綜合言之,膠類的添加可增進鴨肝醬之品質,其中又以添加鹿角菜膠效果最為顯著。


新鮮鴨肝 膠類 鴨肝醬 品質


The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the effects of gum addition on the quality of duck liver paste. Emulsified basic meat slurry was combined with fresh duck liver and different gums in manufacturing duck liver paste. The approximate composition, texture profile and quality variables under storage at 3℃ were analyzed. A duck liver paste sensory evaluation was conducted. The results showed that carrageenan addition decreased cooking loss. The gum addition showed a trend toward decreasing the moisture percentage and increasing the crude fat percentage. Gum addition also showed a tendency to increase the product springiness and hardness. Gum addition tended to enhance flavor, color and over-all acceptance. No differences in pH, TBA, VBN and total plate counts were observed among the different treatments, although the total plate count, TBA and VBN inclined to increase during storage. The total plate counts were less than 2.85 log CFU/g after 28 days of storage. In conclusion, gum addition to duck liver paste enhances the quality with better results from carrageenan addition.


Fresh duck liver Gums Duck liver paste Quality
