  • 期刊


Effects of artificial feeding on the growth performances of goat kids


本試驗旨在評估畜試吉安肉用仔山羊利用人工哺乳方式飼養之生長性狀。試驗共選用41頭仔山羊,逢機分為四組,試驗組分別於仔羊出生後,每日以人工哺乳方式餵飼1,000、800、600 cc之代奶粉,每處理組8頭,另以母羊自然哺育之仔羊17頭(跟隨母羊放牧)為對照組。所有仔羊於第2週開始提供教槽料,乾草則任食,試驗期為3個月。結果顯示,平均離乳體重、平均日增重、90日齡體長、鬐甲高度及胸圍,以每日人工哺育600 cc代奶粉處理組,顯著較其他處理組差(P<0.05);離乳時之死亡率以對照組顯著較人工哺育組高(P<0.05),離乳體重之變異係數亦以對照組較人工哺育組大。由本試驗結果得知,畜試吉安山羊於出生後經餵飼荷蘭乳牛初乳2天後,即每日餵飼代用乳800~1000 cc,並於第10天後餵飼教槽料及提供乾草任食,可提高仔羊之整齊度、日增重與離乳體重、育成率及減少疾病感染,其中以每日餵飼800 cc代用乳組,可達到低生長成本及高增重之目的。


仔山羊 人工哺乳 生長性狀


The experiment was conducted to study the effects of artificial feeding systems on the growth performances of goat kids. A total of forty-one goat kids were randomly allocated into four groups. Three test groups (eight heads each group) were fed with 1000, 800 and 600 cc milk replacer per day and creep feed for three months and the sucking kids (17 head) were used as the control. The results showed that goat kids fed with 600 cc milk replacer per day had a significantly lower weaning weight (P < 0.05), average daily gain, body length, wither height and chest girth than those of the others group. The goat kids in control group had significantly (P < 0.05) higher mortality and coefficient of variation in weaning weight than those of the other group. In conclusion, the optimal milk replacer provided was 800 cc/day for goat kids.
